Journalist safety has become an essential lesson that journalists and broadcasters must know.. To ensure the future of journalism across Africa, early mid-career journalists, broadcasters need a lot of briefing and exposure in the knowledge of safety so they do not through youthful exuberance expose themselves to danger: whether they are freelancers or campus journalists. emphasised this in its recent safety training for Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic Ijebu-Igbo Union of Campus Journalists and freelancers..
The Editor- In Chief of Abraham Adesanya Polytechnic Union of Campus Journalists while welcoming the AFYMP crew as well as opening the session advised campus journalists to value their safety in the course of doing their work, “Do note that being a campus journalist exposes you to certain danger, knowing what to do will save you a lot” Caleb Ijeoma said.
While opening the session, Yinka Olaito, Executive Director, AFYMP admonished the campus journalists to know the odds against the professional even though it is a desirable one. “You cannot leave your safety to chances, it must be prepared for, if you must escape when you are face-to-face with the reality on the field. I therefore advised you take this session seriously,” Yinka Olaito said.
In the course of the session, Yinka Olaito explained in details who a campus journalist is and who a freelance journalist is. Yinka also talked in details the essential issues that safety means and why the participants must prepare, anticipate and have a ready made series of actions to deployed when they face danger.
Some of the participants expressed their appreciation for such an eye-opening session and told the organiser they will appreciate a follow up sessions on other vital issues like storytelling, pitching and how to attract opportunities with global media houses.

The Public Relations of the school, while expressing gratitude to AFYMP thanked the organisation and its team for taking such a burden upon itself to ensure next generation, early career journalists/broadcasters are adequately prepared for the challenges ahead.
The total number of participants is 27.